Head of administration now also university chancellor
The seminars and lectures for the coming winter semester 2024-25 can be viewed here
More knowledge about Israel and the Middle East could help to defuse explosive ideas.
Tom Khaled Würdemann, who is writing his dissertation on Palestinian history in the graduate school "Ambivalent Enmity", has his say twice.
Please note that the canteen is closed on some days between August and October.
Franz Fischhof was custodian of the Prague Old New School and was active in many other functions for the IKG Prague - until he and his family were deported to Thesesienstadt in March 1943.
Reporting in a state of emergency - October 7 and its consequences: Excerpts from the Heidelberg University speech by the editor-in-chief of the Jüdische Allgemeine, Philipp Peyman Engel
About hostility and a little bit of hope
For the first time since 2019, a special supplement from the university was published in the Jüdische Allgemeine on July 11, 2024.
Professor Johannes Becke pleads for scientific education instead of clichés
WerteInitiative e.V. is a political non-profit organization that has established itself as a Jewish civil society voice in Germany over the past few years.