Sharing Worldviews
"Sharing Worldviews: Learning in Encounter for Common Values in Diversity" is an Erasmus+-funded project. Led by the Heidelberg University of Education, it started in November 2021 and runs until February 2024. The aim is to qualify prospective teachers for the pluralistic school of the future. Among other things, the multilingual digital teaching, learning, interaction and cooperation platform WEL:digital is being set up for this purpose and will go online in 2022. Didactic material developed as part of the project will be made available there. In addition, an internationally recognized additional qualification (WEL:cred) for teachers will be initiated.
To the Sharing Worldviews website

Project partners
In addition to the Heidelberg University of Education and the University of Jewish Studies, the following partners are also involved: the Karlsruhe University of Education, the Vienna/Krems University of Education in Austria, the Turkish universities of Eskişehir Osmangazi and Ankara and the Aristotle University in Thessaloniki, Greece. Associated partners are the Freiburg University of Education, the Heidelberg School of Education, the Gymnasium Bammental and the HAK/HAS/AUL Sacré Coeur in Austria, the Platon Schools in Greece, Eskişehir Eti Sosyal Bilimler Lisesi in Turkey and the University of New Brunswick in Canada.
Boehme, Katja/ Schlenke, Dorothee: WELTSICHTEN IM DIALOG: Sharing Worldviews: Transnational encounter learning; in: Dactylos 27 (2022) 1, p. 22f.
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