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Scholarships and Funding Programs

PROMOS scholarships to support study visits abroad

Due to approved funding from the BMBF, the Heidelberg University of Jewish Studies is offering scholarships for the year 2024 as part of the DAAD-funded PROMOS program to support study abroad.

Contact person for PROMOS scholarships is Mr. Maximilian Hörmann(maximilian.hoermann(at)

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Scholarship announcement see downloads

Amount of the current funding rates

Funding opportunities:

Study scholarships (1 to 6 months)
Funding is available for both short scholarships (e.g. for final theses) and scholarships of up to six months, e.g. for semester stays by students.
Doctoral students cannot apply for this program area. Applications can be made for monthly partial scholarship installments and a one-off lump sum for travel expenses in the amount of the country-specific DAAD funding rate.

The awarding of PROMOS semester scholarships within the framework of the Joint Degree M.A. "Jewish Studies - History of Jewish Cultures" for the semester abroad at KFU Graz is only possible in two exceptional cases: For students who have already received funding once within this ERASMUS cooperation during their study stay in Graz and therefore cannot receive another ERASMUS grant, and in the event that the ERASMUS funding contingent of the HfJS for the current academic year has already been exhausted.

Language courses (3 weeks to 6 months)
Language courses for students and doctoral candidates at universities abroad can be funded worldwide. Applications can be made for a one-off lump sum for course fees as well as monthly partial scholarship installments and a one-off lump sum for travel expenses in the amount of the country-specific DAAD funding rate.

Summer courses / specialized courses (up to 6 weeks)
Summer courses / specialized courses for students and doctoral candidates at universities or academic
scientific institutions abroad can be funded worldwide. Applications can be made for a one-off lump sum for course fees, a one-off lump sum for travel expenses in the amount of the country-specific DAAD funding rate and (if the duration is appropriate) a monthly partial scholarship installment.

Internships (1 to 6 months)
Internships for students in countries outside the ERASMUS area can be funded. Applications can be made for monthly partial scholarship installments as well as a one-off lump sum for travel expenses in the amount of the country-specific DAAD funding rate.

Funding for internships within the ERASMUS plus area is only possible for students who have already received funding for an internship within the framework of ERASMUS and are therefore no longer eligible for funding under the ERASMUS+ program. Doctoral students cannot apply in this program area.

Travel allowance
The amount of the one-off travel allowance corresponds to the country-specific DAAD funding rate.
No further costs (e.g. tuition fees) can be covered over and above the above-mentioned funding rates.

Application requirements

Students who are enrolled in one of the HfJS degree programs or as doctoral candidates at the HfJS with the aim of completing either a degree or a doctorate at the HfJS are eligible to apply.

Funding for a stay in the home country (country of citizenship or former place of residence) is not possible.

Application documents
The application must be accompanied by

  • a convincing letter of motivation of 2-3 pages,
  • a curriculum vitae,
  • the expert opinion of a lecturer at the HfJS,
  • the completed application form (see downloads),
  • an overview of previous academic achievements and a copy of the transcript of records, or alternatively a current transcript of previous academic achievements (see downloads),
  • proof of required language skills, if applicable,
  • a list of the grants and scholarships received, approved or applied for in the current study phase (BA / MA / teaching degree / doctorate) (see Downloads).

Scholarship holders are expected to organize their stay abroad on their own responsibility and take care of their own insurance cover. It is possible to participate in a DAAD group insurance.

Information on the selection procedure
PROMOS scholarships at the HfJS are awarded by a scholarship committee on the basis of the written application. There are no selection interviews. Decisive for the awarding of PROMOS scholarships are the previous academic achievements and the usefulness of the stay abroad for the course of study taken at the HfJS.

Doctoral Scholarship in Accordance with the Landesgraduiertenförderungsgesetz (LGFG)

The Heidelberg University of Jewish Studies (HfJS) is awarding a scholarship to an outstandingly qualified applicant to support a doctoral project for the period from 01.06.2023 initially until 31.05.2024 (subject to the availability of funds from the state of Baden-Württemberg).

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Application deadline: Currently no call for applications
Scholarship duration: Initially for 1 year with the option to extend (maximum approval period in total: 3 years)
Scholarship amount: 1,468 euros/month (incl. 103 euros travel and material allowance)

Application requirements:

  1. Completed university degree in Jewish Studies or comparable degree (proof must be provided by the application deadline)
  2. Acceptance as a doctoral candidate by the HfJS
  3. Academic supervision by a professor or private lecturer at the HfJS
  4. Outstanding academic qualifications and an academic project that can be expected to make a recognizable contribution to research in Jewish Studies and its sub-disciplines
  5. Willingness to regularly participate in graduate colloquia organized by the supervising chair and other relevant events at the university

Any employment in addition to your studies must be related to the subject in which the doctorate is being completed.

Please note: The net income earned within 12 months may not exceed 25% of the annual income of salary group TV-L E 13, level 3 according to the applicable table of the collective agreement for the public service of the federal states (TV-L), tariff area West. If this amount is exceeded, the LGF scholarship will be reduced accordingly.

Please also note the information provided by the Graduate Academy of Heidelberg University

Send the application once as a printed version by post to

University of Jewish Studies
Mr. Maximilian Hörmann
Landfriedstr. 12
69117 Heidelberg

and once as a PDF (please put everything together in one document) to: maximilian.hoermann(at)

Further information:

Steps to apply

1. Application for a scholarship in accordance with the Landesgraduiertenförderungsgesetz (LGFG)
2. Attachments to the application:

  • Brief summary (outline of the topic, max. 1 DIN A4 page)
  • Work report/plan (max. 15 pages. Describe the project methodologically and state the object of investigation. If the project is based on previous work, list this as well. Attach the master's or state examination thesis and explain what the new approach is beyond this preliminary work)
  • Bibliography (1/2 to 1 page)
  • Expert opinion from 2 university teachers
  • Copy of the school leaving certificate
  • Copy of university certificates (intermediate diploma, diploma, state examination)
  • Curriculum vitae in tabular form
  • Certificate of acceptance as a doctoral candidate from the Hochschule für Jüdische Studien
  • Certificate of enrollment (doctorate) from the Hochschule für Jüdische Studien
  • If applicable, certificate of enrollment from Heidelberg University

Steps after successful application

After receiving confirmation of the scholarship, further documents are required

Germany Scholarship

The Deutschlandstipendium supports talented students who are expected to achieve or have already achieved outstanding results in their studies or career. The grant amounts to €300 per month. Half is paid by the federal government, the other half is provided by private sponsors.

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New round of tenders:
Start of funding: 01.10.2024
Application deadline: 07.10.2024

Who can be funded?

Students and first-year students in undergraduate and Master's degree programs who are or will be enrolled at the Hochschule für Jüdische Studien at the beginning of the funding period are eligible for funding. Students who are already supported by another performance-based scholarship are excluded from the funding. This does not apply if the sum of this funding per semester for which the funding was granted is less than a monthly average of 30 euros. Receipt of BAföG does not preclude funding through the Deutschlandstipendium.

What criteria are used for selection?

In addition to outstanding performance at school and university, the central award criteria also include other factors, such as the willingness to take on social responsibility and get involved, such as voluntary work, or successfully overcoming obstacles in one's own life history, which may be related to social and cultural background. Completed vocational training, voluntary internships or special achievements, awards and prizes are also taken into account. The selection is made by a scholarship selection committee.

What is the duration of a scholarship?

Provided that funding is available, the duration of the scholarship is usually two semesters and is generally based on the standard period of study for the respective degree course. If the duration of studies is extended beyond the standard period of study for serious reasons, the funding period can be extended upon application. The scholarship ends at the end of the month in which the scholarship holder has completed the last examination or is exmatriculated. The scholarship also ends with a change of subject or after dropping out of the course.

How can I apply?

Your contact person is Mr. Maximilian Hörmann

Please send your online application documents in electronic form (all in one PDF document) to maximilian.hoermann(at)

Further information can be found at [here]

Application documents:

  • An assurance that the applicant does not receive any other talent- or performance-based material support within the meaning of the Act on the Creation of a National Scholarship Program § 4 para. 1(
  • A curriculum vitae in tabular form,
  • A letter of motivation in which the applicants explain why their achievements in light of their personal background give reason to expect outstanding academic and professional performance,
  • A letter of recommendation/review from a lecturer at the HfJS (approximately one page),
  • For first-year students and students in the second semester of an undergraduate degree program, a copy of the university entrance qualification certificate, in the case of foreign certificates, a translation that can be transferred to the German system and converted into the German grading system,
  • If available, a copy of the certificate of a first university degree or, if this is not yet available, a provisional certificate of the final grade,
  • If available, a copy of suitable proof of special commitment to be recognized, voluntary internships, completed vocational training, gainful employment during studies, prizes, awards or special family or personal circumstances,
  • A current certificate of enrolment or a copy of the letter of admission
  • Students from the third semester onwards, proof of their current performance level

Scholarship Opportunities - Foundation Szloma-Albam-Stiftung, Berlin

The HfJS is pleased to announce the following scholarship opportunity:

Founded to encourage growth in a broad range of Jewish contexts, from education, science and research, to the cultural arts, the Foundation Szloma-Albam-Stiftung in Berlin, invites applications for the 2025/2026 academic year to candidates striving to complete the Master of Arts in Jewish Civilizations - an international partnership programme between Paideia - the European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden and the Hochschule für Jüdische Studien Heidelberg.

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The funding period will begin October 2025 upon arrival in Heidelberg and entails monthly payments of an amount equivalent to the "BAFöG-Höchstsatz", for a maximum duration of 12 months. The number of scholarships for candidates studying the M.A. programme "Jewish Civilizations" is limited to three.

This scholarship is exclusively for students with a Jewish family background and without a citizenship of an EU country. Please note that due to their own statutes, the Szloma-Albam-Stiftung can only support Jewish students that will have to be proven by any form of documentation.

Preference will be given to highly focussed candidates that want to do "Jewish Civilizations" as their first final study degree. Being able to prove strong ties to their own Jewish communities or being institutionally engaged in fostering Jewish life and culture are advantages.

Applications can be in German or English and should include:

  • A Letter of Motivation (no more than two A4 pages), outlining

  1. how the MA in Jewish Civilizations is instrumental in achieving your professional goals
  2. why financial assistance is required (also list your past, current and requested scholarships), and
  3. what your Jewish belonging means to you personally.

  • Your Curriculum vitae with listed details on education, personal interests and language skills (no more than two A4 pages)
  • Academic, community-oriented or professional recommendations, references or certificates
  • Verification of your membership in a Jewish community or your Jewish background
  • Verification of your enrollment at the Hochschule für Jüdische Studien Heidelberg (to be handed in later).

The deadline for submissions is January 15th, 2025

Please send all application materials as a single PDF to

Mr. Grischa Zeller, Head of Funding
E-Mail: grischa.zeller(at)

Phone: 0 30 - 23 63 20 18-3
Fax: 0 30 - 23 63 20 18-9

Szloma-Albam-Stiftung, Ansbacher Straße 74, D-10777 Berlin

Applications by Jewish candidates for scholarships for other qualification programs are also possible, please enquire or consult

Further Scholarship Opportunities for German and International Students

Information on DAAD funding opportunities for foreign students, graduates, doctoral candidates and university teachers as well as on offers from other selected funding organizations can be found at

Further addresses and information can be found in the scholarship overview of Heidelberg University (German version/ English version).