Trumah aims to represent the entire spectrum of Jewish Studies. Each issue has a thematic focus. In addition, contributions from other areas of the discipline are also included. The journal is published once a year. The editorial deadline is the end of July. Articles in German, English and Hebrew with an English abstract can be submitted to the editorial office.
All issues of Trumah are available from Winter Verlag
The contributions collected here on the main topic of provenance research result from the workshop "Current Projects and Research on Nazi Looted Property" organized at the Heidelberg University of Jewish Studies.
The focus here is on objects such as books or ritual objects of Jewish origin, as they bear witness to both crimes and personal fates. The essays deal with Nazi forced labor in connection with expropriated Jewish libraries, with the demand to view Judaica in the light of provenance research and with the examination of specific collection holdings and objects - from their embedding in the historical context to their documentation and restitution practices. In this way, current provenance research bears witness to the social relevance of this young discipline.
Overview of previous editions
All issues from volume 10 onwards are available from Universitätsverlag Winter Heidelberg
- Trumah 26: Beredte Objekte- Provenienzforschung zu NS-Raubgut / Eloquent Objects- Provenance Research on Nazi Looted Property
- Trumah 25: Biblisches, nachbiblisches und masoretisches Hebräisch / Biblical, Postbiblical, and Masoretic Hebrew
- Trumah 24: Wandel jüdischer Traditionen im Wechselspiel von Lebenswelt und Diskurs / Discourse, Lifeworld and the Transformation of Jewish Traditions
- Trumah 23: Israel-Studien in Deutschland / Israel Studies in Germany
- Trumah 22: Ikonisierungsprozesse jüdischer Selbstwahrnehmung / Processes of Iconization in Jewish Self-Perception
- Trumah 21: Über Berlin nach Jerusalem: Deutschland und die hebräische Literatur / Germany and Hebrew Literature
- Trumah 20: Geschichte denken: Perspektiven von und zu Hannah Arendt / Thinking History: Perspectives on and of Hannah Arendt
- Trumah 19: Torah und politische Macht / Torah and Political Power
- Trumah 18: Stein(e) des Anstoßes - Sal'ei Machloket" - Intentions and Ideological Implications of Current Archaeological Research
- Trumah 17: Jewish Studies and Jewish Identity
- Trumah 16: Haskala in the 18th century
- Trumah 15: On rabbinical literature. Historical and socio-historical studies
- Trumah 14: Jews in the Federal Republic of Germany - Documentation and Analysis
- Trumah 13: Focus: Benno Jacob - the man and his work
- Trumah 12: Studies on the Jewish Middle Ages
- Trumah 11: Contributions to Jewish Philosophy
- Trumah 10: Israeli literature and tradition
- Trumah 9: Biblical Studies and Jewish Biblical Interpretation
- Trumah 8: Scientific Elites and the National Socialist Persecution of Jews
- Trumah 7: On the history and culture of Eastern European Jewry
- From Volume 10: Universitätsverlag Winter, Heidelberg, after 2000
- Volumes 4 - 9 Metropol-Verlag, Berlin, 1994 - 2000
- Volumes 1 - 3 Reichert Verlag, Wiesbaden, 1987 - 1992