

11 20240506 Berufungsvorträge Jüdische Kunst


6th of May, 11.00 a.m. - 4.10 p.m., S4

Appointment lectures/teaching rehearsal for the Professorship of Jewish Art

Interested parties are cordially invited!

















2024 2 Forschungskolloquium



May 6th, 4:15 p.m.-5:45 p.m., S2

Dr. Elisabeth Becker-Topkara
University of Heidelberg

A Sociology of Diaspora: Jewish foundations and futures




Event as part of the research colloquium in the summer semester 2024, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Johannes Becke and Prof. Dr. Viktor Golinets.











20240508 Jüdisches Recht Scharia

May 8th, S4

Lecture Evening with

Prof. Dr. Ronen Reichman (HfJS Heidelberg) & Dr. jur. Bawar Bammarny (Uni Heidelberg)

Jüdisches Recht in Israel & die Scharia in arabischen Länder

Responsible: E-Mail
Latest Revision: 2024-04-22