Examination Office

Please note the opening times of the Hochschule and its library during holidays!



Staff and Areas of Responsibility:

The examination office of the HfJS (Prüfungsamt) is responsible for the application to examinations for HfJS study programmes as well as their organisation:

Maximilian Hörmann
Phone: 06221 – 5419250
E-mail: maximilian.hoermann@hfjs.eu
Office hours: Monday - Friday, 10:00 - 12:00 & 14:00 - 16:00 and on appointment

More information on the opening hours of the HfJS Heidelberg can be found here.

Please direct questions related to study programmes at the HfJS Heidelberg to the following address: studienberatung@hfjs.eu. More information can be found here.

The Landeslehrerprüfungsamt in Karslruhe is responsible for the Lehramt examinations (teaching qualification).

Please also take into account the respective regulations in your subject area at the University of Heidelberg, if applicable!


Dates of Examination Board/ Doctoral Examination Board

Please find more information on the Examination Board (Prüfungsausschuss) as well as the Doctoral Examination Board (Promotionsausschuss) of the HfJS Heidelberg here.


Application for Examination

Registration forms necessary to be admitted to a Bachelor’s or Master’s examination can be handed in at the Examination office. Please find the respective dates here.

Please turn in your application:

Adobe Application for Admission to the Final Examination

These forms must be signed by the study counselors in your subject and the examiners you have selected. This is how it will be ascertained that you have gained all the credits necessary in your study programme and subject, and that the selected examiners are willing to examine you.

The staff of the Examination Office is happy to discuss any unanswered questions surrounding the examination procedure. To avoid unnecessary waiting times or delays during the phase of application, please make sure to organize the following in a timely fashion:

Inform yourself early about the office hours of the respective examiners whose signature you must gather.

Discuss unanswered questions dealing with application for the examination or organization of the examination itself with the Examination office.

Please be careful to hand in all paperwork until the application deadline, completely filled in with the required signatures and stamps, ordered with the application forms first, followed by personal paperwork.


Examination Regulations

Please also take note of the following examination regulations of the HfJS Heidelberg:

B.A. Jewish Studies 75%, 50%, 25%

B.A. Jewish Studies (Teaching Profession)

M.A. Jewish Studies (Major or Minor Subject)

M.A. Jewish Museology

M.A. Jewish Civilizations

M.A. Jewish Studies - History of Jewish Culture (Joint Degree)

Please take note of the examination regulations of the PhD degree.  .

Please also take into account, if applicable, the respective regulations in your subject at the University of Heidelberg.


Transfer of Credit Points

Credit points gathered abroad, particularly in Israel, can generally be transferred if they can be linked adequately to the thematic subjects to be found in the HfJS catalogue. You are kindly asked to hand in an application for recognition to the Examination Board (Prüfungsausschuss), so that your credit points can be recognized and transferred.

The application is to be handed in to the Examination Office (Prüfungsamt) of the HfJS Heidelberg. Please include certification of grades as well as completed essays. Please list the subjects you think can be transferred and whose recognitions you are requesting. Furthermore, please elaborate how the type and extent of your course credits compare with those required by the HfJS, and please clearly state which of the HfJS courses you wish to replace with the credits previously completed.


Course Attendance and Absences


  • Regardless of the official registration deadline, the following applies: In order to obtain credit points, participation is required from the first session of a course!
  • Only officially registered students are entitled to participate. Although you can usually come to the first session of a course without registering, subsequent official registration via the online registration portal is absolutely necessary!

Regarding permissible absences, please refer to the information sheet.

Term papers: Length and deadlines

Regular submission deadline: Term papers (proseminar, seminar and advanced seminar papers) and other written assignments must be submitted to the course instructor by the end of the respective semester (31 March or 30 September). The correction period is two weeks.

A Course Credit Form (Leistungsschein) and the HfJS Plagiarism Statement (Plagiatserklärung) must be enclosed with the work.

The following information sheet regulates the length of written assignments:

Adobe Information on Seminar Papers (Hausarbeiten)

Deadline extension: In accordance with the decision of the Board of Professors and the Dean of Studies, term papers and other written assignments must be submitted by the end of the semester; the correction period is two weeks. A one-off extension until the end of the following lecture period - with a corresponding four-week correction period - is possible in consultation with the respective lecturer. Thereafter, a further extension of the deadline can only be agreed with the lecturer, stating valid reasons, and the Dean of Studies Office must be informed.


Course Credit Form (Leistungsschein) and Plagiarism Statement (Plagiatserklärung)

Please fill in the certificate of achievement carefully; in case of written assignments, please attach the Course Credit Form and the completed Plagiarism Statement to your work. After the lecturer has graded the assignment or awarded the credit points, please hand in the certificate and, if applicable, the Plagiarism Statement to the secretary's office or place it in Mr. Hörmann's post box (examination office).

You will only receive credits for the modules listed in the Course Catalogue. Should the course credit forms have been filled out incompletely or incorrectly, they will be returned to you, and you will be asked to carry out changes and/or additions.

In the exceptional case that you wish to gain credit for attending a lecture from a non-required module, please hand in the course credit form with a respective application for course recognition to the dean of students (Studiendekanat). Afterwards, please turn in this form with, if applicable, the decision of the dean of students and/or the accompanying digital correspondence to Mr. Hörmann.


The information from the course credit forms will be registered into the HISPOS-examination-system. Students are independently able to print out grades over the LSF. In the case that you require an original and sealed transcript, please contact maximilian.hoermann@hfjs.eu.


Frequently Asked Questions about De-Enrollment

Do I need to de-enroll after my last examination, or will this be done by the Examination office or the Secretariat?

De-enrolling at a date which does not coincide with the end of the semester will not automatically occur and must be carried out by the student.

What does “de-enrollment from official side” (Exmatrikulation von Amts wegen) and when does it occur?

De-enrollment from official side (carried out by the Hochschule or the University) occurs in the following cases: for example, in the case that the final examination is definitely not passed, if fees for re-enrollment have not been paid, if the student has lost the right to be examined in the current course of study and there has been no transfer, etc.

After de-enrollment, will I be reimbursed my semester fees?

Fees that have already been paid (administration fee, fee for the student body (Studentenwerk)) may be reimbursed, depending on the circumstances, in the case of de-enrollment during the semester.

Please also take note of the website of the University of Heidelberg on de-enrollment.



Latest Revision: 2024-03-05